Friday, 17 March 2017

How to create A Windows 10 recovery USB drive

Sometimes, when our computer got infected with viruses and malwares, it stops working properly. This type of infections can corrupt our operating system. So, if you keep a recovery drive of your Windows 10 operating system, it will be very easy to repair or reinstall your operating system. In this post, you will learn how to create a Windows 10 Recovery drive. I emphasis more on USB Drive than a CD drive because you can reuse your USBDrive if something goes wrong but this facility is not available  is not available with CD or DVD drive.

If you face any problem with your windows 10 operating system then you can use your USB recovery drive to repair or recover your windows 10 operating system. You should note that once you plug your USB drive to make a Windows 10 Recovery drive, all the data of your USB drive will be wiped. So, I will recommend that use a newly purchased USB drive or a drive whose data is not important for you. How much memory is needed depends on your type of the system. If you are using a 64-bit system then it will definitely demand more space than a 32-bit system. Generally a 64-bit system requires 16 GB or more space. So, I suggest you to use a USB drive which more space than 16 GB. However window will suggest how much space you need. If you are planning to purchase a new USB drive then it will better to see first how much space is suggested by your Windows 10 operating system. You will be able to know this after reading the full post.

One important thing is that you should make recovery drive before your system gets corrupted. Because it is said that prevention is better than cure. Repairing a system without a recovery drive is a complex process. There may be a easy process if you have access to another PC with Windows 10 that is working fine. You can make recovery drive through that PC and ca use in your affected PC. But, it is better to make a USB recovery drive before you see any problem in your system.

So, let’s start the step by step process by which you can make a USB recovery drive easily.

Step by step process of how to create a Windows 10 recovery drive

you have to follow the steps explained below:
  1. Go to “search the web and windows” situated in bottom left side of the desktop.
  2. Now, you have to type “ Recovery Drive “ in the search box. Click on the search result “ Create a recovery drive”.Windows 10 recovery USB drive.
  3. A pop up window will appear which will say that its about to set up a recovery drive.
  4. Now tick mark the checkbox “ Back up system files to the recovery drive.”
    Windows 10 recovery USB drive.
  5. Click on “next”. Now, windows will calculate the space needed on your USB drive. Just wait for some time. After some time, you will see how much space is needed to make a recovery USB drive. Use the USB drive with space slightly more than this. If you are using a new USB drive then it’s ok. But, if you are using an old USB drive then it will be better to take a back up of the data of your USB Drive. Because, windows will wipe all the data of your USB drive.
    Windows 10 recovery USB drive.
  6. Now, plug in the USB drive and click on “Next”. It will take some time to create Recovery Drive.

That’s it. You have made a Recovery USB drive for your Windows 10 operating system.

Tuesday, 14 March 2017

How to open or restore recently closed tabs in Google Chrome

It is very general phenomenon that while opening new tab using Google Chrome browser we press on Cross button by mistake. It may be that we are doing very important work in that tab. So recovery of that closed tab becomes very necessary. Today I will discuss two methods by which you will be able to open or reload the accidentally closed tab in Google Chrome.

Sometimes, we become so engaged in the work that we open a lot of tabs in Google Chrome. But, when we accidentally close one of the tabs, it becomes very hard to recognize which tab was actually closed. So, to save your precious time and work just follow the below mentioned easy methods by which you can restore your closed tab.

Methods to restore accidentally closed tabs in Google Chrome

First Method:
This method is very easy. You have two options. Either press CTRL+SHIFT+T or just right click on the tab bar. A pop up menu will open. Choose “Reopen closed tab” from this menu. You will see that a new tab will start loading and that will be the tab you have closed accidentally.
You can also get the second last closed tab by again pressing CTRL+SHIFT+T and so on.

restore closed tab Google Chrome 1

Second Method:
Second method is also very easy. For this you have to fetch your browsing history. Many of you already know how to fetch browsing history. But for beginners, just press CTRL+H or type chrome://history/ in the address bar of Google Chrome browser. Now, you can choose the closed tab from the list you will see.

restore closed tab Google Chrome 2

In this way you can easily open or restore recently closed tabs in Google chrome.

Sunday, 5 March 2017

How to enable/turn on or Disable/turn off the On-screen Keyboard (OSK) in windows 10

Generally we use external keyboard for typing anything in our PC. But, it may be the situation when your keyboard is not working properly. In that situation a beautiful feature of windows 10 can help you. Windows 10 comes with a facility On-Screen Keyboard (OSK) which can be used by mouse and if you have a touch screen then by any pointing device. When you will open/enable On-screen keyboard in windows 10 then you will see a keyboard on your PC with all the standard keys available in your physical keyboard. You can easily use it and you can fulfill your purpose. So, it is very helpful when your keyboard is not working.

6 Methods to enable/turn on the On-screen Keyboard (OSK) in windows 10

There are six methods by which you can easily enable / turn on the On-screen Keyboard (OSK) in windows 10. We will discuss it one by one:

Method 1

Type on-screen keyboard in “search the web and windows” option situated in left bottom position of your window and press Enter. You will get an On-screen Keyboard (OSK). 

Method 2

In this method we will open On-screen Keyboard (OSK) through PC settings.
Step 1:  At first Go to start (windows icon) situated left in left-bottom of your window.

On-screen Keyboard (OSK) 1

Step 2: then go to Settings > Ease of Access

windows 10 Ease of access

Step 3: Now you have to choose Keyboard and move the slider to On position.

windows 10 Ease of access 2

Step 4: you will get an On-screen Keyboard (OSK) as below. 

On-screen Keyboard (OSK)

Method 3

In this method you have to press “Windows + U “key combination. > Start On-screen Keyboard.

Ease of access center

Method 4

In this method we will open On-screen Keyboard (OSK) with the help of Command Prompt.
Step 1:  At first press “Windows + X “ key combination and click on command prompt from the options.

Command Prompt osk

Step 2: Type osk in command prompt and press Enter. You will see On-screen Keyboard (OSK).

Command Prompt osk 2

Method 5

In this method we will open On-screen Keyboard (OSK) through “RUN “.
Step 1: Type RUN in search the web and windows option situated in left bottom position of your window and press Enter.
Step 2: Type osk in “RUN “  dialog box. Now you will see On-screen Keyboard (OSK) on your screen.

Method 6

Step 1:  At first Go to start (windows icon) situated left in left-bottom of your window.
Step 2: Type Windows Powershell in “search the web and windows” option situated in left bottom position of your window and press Enter.
Step 3: Windows powershell will open. Type osk and press Enter. You will get On-screen Keyboard (OSK).

Windows Powershell

How to Disable On-Screen Keyboard

Just like enabling, Disabling On-Screen Keyboard is very easy.

Step 1:  At first Go to start (windows icon) situated left in left-bottom of your window.
Step 2: then go to Settings > Ease of Access
Step 3: Now you have to choose Keyboard and move the slider to Off position.

In this way you can easily enable/turn on or Disable/turn off  On-screen Keyboard (OSK) in windows 10.