Monday, 4 April 2016


you can set login time limits in Windows. It is very easy and useful. If your child is in habit of using PC all the time and his study is being affected by this habit then this trick will work for you. We can set time limits for user accounts in windows. I will describe this trick step by step:
  1. Press Windows + X keyboard shortcut. it will open command prompt as admin.
  2. you have to type following command:                                
          net user  <user name> / time: <limits>

Suppose name of the user account in which you want to limit its time is Forutech and you want to limit ts time Friday from 11 AM to 5 PM then command wil be:

net user Forutech / time: F,11:00-17:00

If you want to setup multiple time limits. Example- Monday to Saturday 6 AM to 2 PM , Sunday to Monday 10 AM to 3 PM. Then command will be:

net user Forutech / time: M-Sa,06:00-14:00; Su-M, 10:00-15:00

If you want to give him full time use facility then use the command:

net user Forutech / time:all

In this way you can set time limits for particular user accounts in Windows.